1:05 PM | Author: Silverbirch Designs
Aventurine is a type of quartz known as microcrystaline.  It has inclusions of mica that give it that sparkly, shimmering effect known as "Aventuresence".  Goethite, pyrite, and hematite also can be included, especially in the other colors, which give a brownish, reddish, or golden shimmer.  Aventurine occurs in light and dark greens as well as peach, brown, yellow, red and even a gorgeous blue.  It is mostly opaque with a slight transluscence, usually, however it sometimes is more transluscent than opaque.  It grows in masses and layers rather than crystal form.  It has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale.  The name Aventurine comes from the same source as Goldstone.  An accident by Venetian glass workers, where a batch of copper filings fell into a batch of molten glass gave rise to the name, Aventurine, by "a ventura", which means by chance.  This also is how Goldstone originated.  Creating a synthetic Aventurine has been attempted for quite some time. 

Aventurine of any color is known as a lucky stone, though the green variety is considered to be the most powerful for luck.  It is kept in the left pocket of gamblers and those hoping for a lottery win.  Aventurine is considered to have a beneficial effect on the psyche, giving one a stronger sense of self and provides a shield to block "psychic vampires".  It balances the male/female energies and protects the heart.  It provides calm and eases stress, allowing one to think through on situations and find appropriate solutions. 

In physical healing, Aventurine targets the organs of the body, beginning with the organ that is the most imperiled and continuing on to the next.  It is also used in combination with Lavender for migraines.  It is recommended that Aventurine be worn as a necklace when using it to heal whether it be physical or emotional healing that is needed.  Although another method of utilizing the healing properties of Aventurine is in a foot soak.  The dark green variety is the most recommended. 

However, the other colors have uses.  Peach is good for opening up and enhancing creative visualizations.  This would be ideal for writers, artists, musicians, and any others in a creative field.  Red is also recommended for creativity, as well as being useful for most of what green is used for.  Additionally, red allows one to see possibilities.  It lessens negativity and brings prosperity.  It is good for entrepeneurs especially because of the ability to recognize potential in a situation.  Blue heals and balances the emotions, allowing for clearer communication.  It also stimulates creativity, but additionally it boosts independence.  It grants leadership qualities, allowing one to understand intuitively what is needed and the ability to act on it as well as a deeper understanding of cause and effect. 

Next I will be backing up a bit alphabetically because I missed a couple of stones that deserve to be talked about.  Aquamarine is one of them.  So, I will be writing about Aquamarine next.  It is a beautiful blue stone which works on the psychic abilities.  Until then, be well!  :D
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On June 8, 2010 at 7:27 PM , Anonymous said...

Thank you for the great information. I love stones and I love learning about them.

On June 14, 2010 at 1:38 AM , Silverbirch Designs said...

You're very welcome. I also enjoyed learning about them and I'm still learning. :D